Saturday, October 18, 2014

Apparently my list website isn't working! As an emergency backup I am posting the links to my Math 10-3 and Math 10-4 documents here!

Math 10-4

Math 10-3

MCATA Powerpoint Presentation!

I hope you all enjoyed the session! If you found it way too fast and not so useful, way too slow and boring, or even just right, send me a message and let me know!

I hope to see everyone again soon!


Monday, July 7, 2014

Math 30-3 Course Development

It's been a long semester full of long hours after school brainstorming ideas and hoping that my lessons would use my students time in a really effective manner.  I sincerely hope that they left my classroom better than when they entered it.

I've taken advantage of the LearnAlberta resources that were available to teachers on their website, ARPDC resource provided by Colin Veldkamp, and the MathWorks textbook as well.  I have long since thought that creating my own resources from several different sources will give my students a very effective education, even if it means a lot of work on my part. The result is a whole series of booklets that I complete with the help of my students.

I prize brainstorming activities, questions that make my students think, questions that challenge me to wait for responses, and activities that fill my classroom with noise and interaction.  My favorite activity this semester had to be russian roulette with nerf guns.

My course calendar began very differently than what it ended up as.  I am certainly glad I had a plan to begin with but even more happy with how the course turned out.  Here is the new Math 30-3 Course Calendar that I will be following from now on!

All of my workbooks and activities are available here .

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Math 20-3 Course Development

I've put together a potential Course Calendar for this semester that is significantly different than what I've put together in the past.  A little more time spent on finance, a more organized drawing unit, and a restructured measurement section including trigonometry, area, volume, and slope.

Last time I taught this course I took advantage of the LearnAlberta resources that were available to teachers on their website.  This semester I am planning to add the resources on the ARPDC Moodle site to my arsenal and really own this course.  Joyce Krause has done an amazing job with the resources she has made available through this site.

I will try to put up examples of student work and the activity packages that my students receive as I work through the course so that people can see what is happening in my classroom.

For now, here is the new Math 20-3 Course Calendar that I will be following!