Friday, April 29, 2011

A Meaningful Beginning

I view myself as more of a guide than a lecturer.  Personally, I find it distasteful when a professor chooses to lecture to me for an hour straight without giving me a chance to voice my opinion, ask questions, or contribute in class.  It is insulting I am told that I should know all the material in a class when clearly I am there to learn it.  The most fulfilling part of this career is our ability to ask questions that really strike students as interesting.  

If I really do try and fulfill my end of the bargain, teaching these students, I will provide them with interesting material while they are in my class.  I will provide students with chances to excel outside the class as well as providing them with interesting material in class. The way teachers get involved with the school in meaningful ways shows exactly how much of an impact a teacher can make in a school.